Dancing Frens

Contract: 0xDB423200Eb9c6DDEf6F854eaBD685260fB0B9741
Metadata: ipfs://bafybeic4j6wjqvih5b7usnv5qhfptuq24besshmwy437yuahmc4fr66gqe

Dancing Frens is a collection of 11 animated frens. These frens are a side collection for Crypto Frens, and they adorn this website. Dancing Frens were all distributed with a Twitter giveaway.

Dancing Fren - naked
Dancing Fren - flossing
Dancing Fren - indian
Dancing Fren - dabbing
Dancing Fren - pirate
Dancing Fren - prisoner
Dancing Fren - mexican
Dancing Fren - clown
Dancing Fren - princess
Dancing Fren - wet-panted
Dancing Fren - mannerless