The Rug of a Lifetime

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Description: In 2020 we, the people of crypto, begged for institutions to enter the market and pump our bags. We should have been careful what we wished for. During the following year, the big players did indeed show up. First came those of vision who helped us build cool stuff and ignited the spark in the markets. Then came the whales, the VCs and all the others commanding huge sums of money, pouring gasoline onto the fire of the accelerating prices. Finally came the smart ones, the ones that had learned the lessons of TradFi and had learned them well. They exposed all the flaws in the protocols and laid bare the weaknesses in the algorithms. And with the torch of their superior knowledge, they burned down our digital house of cards and left us rekt.

Thread Count: K16N40K16Y12K8Y12K8Y24R20K20Y4W8

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